The Shaping Academy


The Shaping Academy is where you can learn traditional hand shaping technique and methods from Bryan Bates.

Creed McTaggert & Ellis Ericson for Surfing World Magazine

Creed McTaggert & Ellis Ericson for Surfing World Magazine

It is designed for clients who have a serious interest and some prior experience in shaping surfboards only. The two-day course is focused on showing you a professional method and system, breaking down all the design elements of a surfboard so they can be more easily understood. It is not designed as a “101” because you tube is a cheaper way for you to get that experience. Bryan can teach more advanced concepts and skills to students who have some familiarity with the tools and have had a go on their own. In order to make sure its cost effective for you and you can get the most from the experience, Bryan would prefer to teach in depth rather than simply basics like how to hold the planer.  

The shaping method and technique has been developed by Bryan over 20 years of hand shaping and is based on what his mentors from Hawaii taught to him when he first learned the craft. You'll gain an order, method and understanding to your shaping so you can build on each board to become more accurate and tuned into the fine details. The method you’ll learn will set you up to improve your shaping now and in the future.

You will be shown how to use a classic Skil 100 planer from the 60's and work from a blank, the old school way. Bryan has developed a 13 chapter book to go along with the course and he will be shaping a board alongside you, so you can see each step of the process demonstrated along the way. 

It's a wonderful experience, and you'll never look at surfboards in the same way again.   


Here's how it works

• Decide what type of shape and length of board you would like to shape.

• Book a two-day course by contacting Bryan and paying a $500 deposit. 

• Price for the course is $2500, remainder after deposit is payable when the course is done.

• Price does NOT include glassing. We can help make arrangements for that for you. Average price is $400

• Bryan can accommodate groups of up to two people


Please email Bryan Bates to discuss bookings for shaping classes.


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